Saturday was my first 4th of July as an American Citizen. A proud moment in a many ways as I am very happy to be a Citizen of this Country. However, there is still the English side of me that has the conflict. This made me think of the day we spent and the day and the two sides of the US we experienced.
For lunch we spent at a picnic organised by a local Christian Ministry called
Love Wins MinistriesThe idea of this was to meet with homeless people in Raleigh and try and give them the experience of the 4th. In the evening we went to watch a spectacular fireworks display. A different group of people with different lifestyles. This made me think about freedom and what it is all about.
Two Americas
The crowds are gathered
The parking lot
Waiting with anticipation
For the first explosion of light.
Fireworks in the sky above
To celebrate the freedom they enjoy.
The crowds are gathered
Waiting in line
With all their possessions in hand
For a chance of a hot dog,
Water melon and drink
Their only relief in another day
Of hunger, poverty and no roof.
Two events, one day
Two sides of this country
As it celebrates Independence.
Some free to enjoy it
Others tied to bad fortune
"God Bless the USA",
But we forget those in the street!