Monday, December 31, 2018

I finished reading:

“Briar Rose” written by Jane Yolen.  241 pages.

The one hundred and ninety third book of the year.  64,037 pages at an average of 332 pages per book.

I finished reading:

“Cricket:  A Modern Anthololgy” edited by Jonathan Agnew.  499 pages.

The one hundred and ninety second book of the year.  63,796 pages at an average of 332 pages per book.


Friday, December 28, 2018

I finished reading;

“An Autobiography” written by Igor Stravinsky.  176 pages.

The one hundred and and ninety first book of the year. 63,297 pages at an average of 331 pages per book.


Thursday, December 27, 2018

I finished reading:

“Stone Cold” written by David Baldacci.  511 pages.

The one hundred and ninetieth book of the year.  63,121 pages at an average of 332 pages per book.


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

I finished reading:

“The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama” written by Gwen Ifill.  266 pages.

The one hundred and eighty ninth book of the year.  62,610 pages at an average of 331 pages per book.


Saturday, December 22, 2018

I finished reading:

“New Britain” written by Tony Blair.  321 pages.

The one hundred and eighty eighth book of the year.  62,344 pages at an average of 332 pages per book.


Friday, December 21, 2018

I finished reading:

“The Afghan” written by Frederick Forsyth.  390 pages.

The one hundred and eighty seventh book of the year.  62,023 page at an average of 332 pages per book.


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

I finished reading:

“Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin” written by Timothy Snyder.  417 pages.

The one hundred and eighty sixth book of the year.  61,633 pages at an average of 331 pages per book.

I finished reading:

“Hope And Other Superpowers” written by John Pavlovitz.  231 pages.

The one hundred and eighty fifth book of the year.  61,216 pages at an average of 331 pages per book.


Saturday, December 15, 2018

I finished reading:

“The History of the Luftwaffe 1915-1945” written by John Killeen.  310 pages.

The one hundred and eighty fourth book of the year.  60,985 pages at an average of 331 pages per book.


Friday, December 14, 2018

I finished reading:

“The Firm” written by John Grisham. 501 pages.

The one hundred and eighty third book of the year.  60,675 pages at an average of 332 pages per book.


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

I finished reading:

“After the Bomb: Week One” written by Gloria D. Miklowitz.  137 pages.

The one hundred and eighty second book of the year.  60,174 pages at an average of 331 pages per book.

I finished reading:

“Rising Waters” written by various authors.  314 pages.

The one hundred and eighty first book of the year.  60,038 pages at an average of 332 pages per book.


Monday, December 10, 2018

I finished reading:

“The Wordsworth Book of First World War Poetry” written by Various Authors.  132 pages.

The one hundred and eightieth book of the year.  59,724 pages at an average of 332 pages per book.

I finished reading:

“The Brethren” written by John Grisham.  440 pages.

The one hundred and seventy ninth book of the year.  59,592 pages at an average of 333 pages per book.


Saturday, December 08, 2018

I finished reading:

“Exit West” written by Mohsin Hahmid.  231 pages.

The one hundred and seventy eighth book of the year.  59,152 pages at an average of 332 pages per book.

I finished reading:

“Our Town” written by Thornton Wilder.  103 pages.

The one hundred and seventy seventh book of the year.   58,921 pages at an average of 333 pages per book.

I finished reading:

“The Testament” written by John Grisham.  533 pages.

The one hundred and seventy sixty book of the year at an average of 334 pages per book.


Thursday, December 06, 2018

I finished reading:

“After the Bomb” written by Gloria D. Miklowitz.  156 pages.

The one hundred and seventy fifth book of the year.  58,285 pages at an average of 333 pages per book.


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I finished reading:

“Ten Hills Farm:  The Forgotten History of Slavery in the North” written by C.S. Manegold.  265 pages.

The one hundred and seventy fourth book of the year.  58,129 pages at an average of 334 pages per book.


Tuesday, December 04, 2018

I finished reading:

“Homegrown Democrat:  A Few Plain Thoughts from the Heart of America” written by Garrison Keillor.   238 pages.

The one hundred and seventy third book of the year.  57,864 pages at an average of 334 pages per book.


Sunday, December 02, 2018

I finished reading:

“Wish You Well” written by David Baldacci.  368 pages.

The one hundred and seventy second book of the year. 57,626 pages at an average of 335 pages per book.

I finished reading:

“Killer of the Flower Moon:  The Osage’s Murders and the Birth of the FBI” written by David Grann.  291 pages.

The one hundred and seventy first book of the year.  57,258 pages at an average of 335 pages per book.
