Friday, January 03, 2025

I finished reading:

“Tricky Twenty-Two” written by Janet Evanovich. 282 pages.  Three stars.

The fourth book of the year.  2,085 pages at an average of 521 pages per book.


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End of #newyearsathon day 2:

Pages read on Jan 2:  212
Books finished on Jan 2:  2

Total Pages Read:  422
Total Books Finished: 3


Thursday, January 02, 2025

I finished reading:

“A Spy By Nature” written by Charles Cumming.  512 pages.  Four stars.

The third book of the year.  1,803 pages at an average of 601 pages per book.

I finished reading:

“The Prize: The Epic Quest For Oil, Money & Power” written by Daniel Yergin.  788 pages.  Four stars.

The second book of the year.  1,291 pages at an average of 645 pages per book.

End of #newyearsathon Day 1:  

Pages read on Jan 1st:  210
Books finished on Jan 1st:  1


Wednesday, January 01, 2025

I finished reading:

“Collected Poems in English” written by Joseph Brodsky.  503 pages.  Four stars.

The first book of 2025.


This year as there is no more Bout of Books Jenn and I will be starting the year participating in a #newyearsathon.   This runs from January 1st to 15th, so, like I did with Bout of Books I will post a daily update on pages read etc...


Here are my final reading stats from 2024

Books finished:  181.  This was the fifth most with the record of 243 in 2022.   I read 59,135 pages which was the fifth most.   The record is 74,393 from 2022.   

Average # of pages per book: 327.   The highest average number of pages per book was 420 in 2013.

I read authors born in 47 different countries compared to 38 last year:  1. USA: 97, 2. England: 33, 3. Russia: 12, 4. Republic of Ireland 5 and 5. Scotland, India and France all with 4.   

I read authors born in 26 different USA States (incl DC):  1. New Jersey 16, 2. New York 11, 3. Illinois, 9  4. California: 8,  5. Texas 7.   Last year was 32 different States.  
I read books with titles starting with 22 different letters of the alphabet.  I missed Q, X, Y and Z.

I read authors with last names starting with 23 different letters.  I did not read N, X and Z

I read authors who won the Booker Prize (8), the Nobel Prize (5) and the Pulitzer Prize (7)

I read the most books published in 2024 (10) the newest book was published in 2024 and the oldest book I read was published in 1798.

My average rating of books was 3.7 (last year was 3.8)

Since I've started tracking the number of books (2005) I have read 2387 which means an average of 119 per year.   Since I've started tracking the # of pages (2008) I have  read 753,994 pages at an average of 44,353 per year at an average of 336 per book.

This years goal is 120 books.

Happy New Year.