Saturday, November 08, 2008

I think I have posted on this before, but, I feel I need to again. The reason is that I am totally irritated with all the anger over the proposition 8 being passed in California banning gay marriage.

The reason why I am irritated is simple. The separation of Church and State. If any Christian, or Judeo-Christian symbolism is ever mentioned or displayed etc... the ACLU and many others jump on it as unconstitutional, bigoted etc... So, now here is the problem. Marriage in the definition of the term is a religious Sacrament, based on the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition, it is not a Governmental institution. Therefore if a religious group decides not to allow or to allow a marriage based on their doctrine it is their perogative. Likewise a Government body legally should not be able to issue a "Marriage License" of any description. It is as hypocrtical for athiest's to gain a "Marriage" license as it would be for a gay couple etc... The State should definately have some legal safe guards for couples and I do not have a problem with how that is defined. The State should not be able to define marriage of any description. Therefore, proposition 8 is irrelevent and as illegal as any proposition to set any definition of marriage. Leave marriage, or the ceremony, or Sacrament thereof to be where it belongs and let the State worry about the legal securities and rights within a legal "union".

A simple summary - Marriage is for "the Church" not State to define.


1 comment:

Jarrett said...

You know, I've been making this same argument for some time. Government should be out of the "marriage" business all together.

If they want to grant "civil unions" to couples of any orientation for tax purposes, property ownership, etc., so be it, but leave "marriage" to the religous institutions to define in their own manner.