Saturday, April 18, 2009

I finished reading:

"The Life and Extraordinary Adventured of Private Chonkin" written by Vladimir Voinovich. 316 Pages.

I've been looking forward to reading this book since I read Voinovich's book "Anti-Soviet Union" a while ago. I was not disappointed. Very funny and also poignant.

This is my 14th book of the year for a total of 4755 pages at an average of 340 pages per book.



Melissa O. said...

Congrats on finishing the book! Good luck and happy reading today!! :-)

~Melissa @ Melissa's Bookshelf

Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness) said...

Wow, you're reading some chunksters. I've read more than 14 books, I think, but not nearly that many pages.

I hope the Read-a-Thon is going well for you!

Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness)