This is something I've been planning to do on my blog for a while. In some just to ramble on and crystallise my thoughts.
I am talking about discussing things that crop up in my faith. Mainly I was planning on discussing questions or thoughts that I may have had during a Church Service or Small Group meeting.
Why? I post about books I read, music I listen to, Cats we fostered, politics, sports, my family etc... However, a very important part of my life, the most important part is my faith and it is only mentioned in passing.
Why haven't I earlier? I think it was because I did not want to come across to any who read this blog as preaching as that's not what I want or am about. Also, people who read this will know, or it will be patently obvious that I am not perfect, therefore, I did not want to come across hypocritically or false an imagine that Christians are so often perceived. For me my faith is not a thing to preach it is an attempt at a way of life, a way of life that I so often fail in everyday, but, a way of life that I strive to reach, despite these failures.
Why Start now? The message at Church today was about relationships, especially with God and how it should infuse all of ones life and how everything should be committed. Therefore, despite my reticence I have decided to move forward with this. I am sure I will not write every week, but, I aim to frequently.
For those who read this I hope it does not drive you away or you think, oh no another religious crazy, but, I hope you will see how this is important in my life and how it shapes so many other opinions and thoughts in my life.