Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Health Care debate in this Country is now really starting to irritate me. I have expressed my views many, many times before so I do not wish to re-hash them at the moment. What has my ire at the moment are the lies and fear mongering that is going on, or lobbyists trying to add clauses to the bill that they want. Isn't about time that the Country get beyond Party Politics, get beyond any individual agenda and for once do what was right.

The Country and Constitution was formed by men trying to do what was right. Putting aside their own differences and doing what was right. We need to do this again. What is right is that every single hard working family, every person who has given so much to their society, every kid who has not even had the chance to live have the right to be able to get their health taken care of without worrying about it, without having to give up all other dreams. In fact we hear of the American dream, how about not destroying it just because through no fault of their own they get sick despite working for 40, 60, 80 hours. This is "a right". It is just. It is fair. It is putting it plain and simply the RIGHT thing to do.

Before I finish this rant I have one more. I am especially angry when I hear Christians be against this because a fear of "Socialism". I want to challenge every one to ask what would Christ do? The Christ who ate with outcasts in Society, who gave everything he had for free. Gave his life for free because it was the right thing to do. A healing Christ, a healing Church and you are opposed to everyone having the chance to have health.

Come on. Let's do this Country, the founding fathers, Christ, every individual proud and to the RIGHT thing.


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