Saturday, December 30, 2017

I finished reading:

“March: Book One” written by John Lewis, Andre Aydin and Nate Powell.  121 pages.

The one hundred and thirty eighth book of the year.  48,051 pages at an average of  348 pages per book.

I finished reading:

“The Price” written by Arthur Miller.  118 pages.

The one hundred and thirty seventh book of the year.  47,930 pages at an average of  350 pages per book.

I finished reading:

“Revelation” written by Bill Napier.  471 pages.

The one hundred and thirty sixth book of the year.  47,812 pages at an average of 352 per book.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

I finished reading:

“The War of The Revolution:  Volune 2”  written by Christopher Ward.  419 pages.

The one hundred and thirty fifth book of the year.  47,341 pages at an average of 351 pages per book.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

I finished reading:

“The Soviet Novel:  History as Ritual” written by Katerina Clark.  272 pages.

The one hundred and thirty fourth book of the year.  46,922 pages at an average of 350 pages per book.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

I finished reading:

“Blasphemy” written by Douglas Preston.  505 pages.

The one hundred and thirty third book of the year.  46,650 pages at an average of  351 pages per book.


Saturday, December 09, 2017

I finished reading:

“The War of The Revolution:  Volume One” written by  Christopher Ward.  431 pages.

The one hundred and thirty second book of the year.  46.145 pages at an average of 350 pages per book.


Saturday, December 02, 2017

I finished reading:

“No Ordinary Summer (Part II)” written by Konstantin Fedlin.  535 pages

The one hundred and thirty first book of the year.  45,714 pages at an average of  349 pages per book.

- Richard

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I finished reading:

“No Ordinary Summer (Part I)” written by Konstantin Fedin. 527 pages.

The one hundred and thirtieth book of the year.  45,179 pages at an average of  348 pages per book.


Sunday, November 26, 2017

I finished reading:

“One Door Away From Heaven” written by Dean Koontz.  681 pages.

The one hundred and twenty ninth book of the year.  44,652 pages at an average of  346 pages per book.


Friday, November 24, 2017

I finished reading:

“The German Girl” written by Armando Lucas Correa.  332 pages. 

The one hundred and twenty eighth book of the year.  43,971 pages at an average of  344 pages per book.


Monday, November 20, 2017

I finished reading:

“The Army of the Potomac:  A Stillness at Appomattox” written by Bruce Catton.  380 pages.

The one hundred and twenty seventh book of the year. 43,639 pages at an average of  344 pages per book.


Saturday, November 18, 2017

I finished reading:

“On the Grid” written by Scott Huler.  226 pages.

The one hundred and twenty sixty book of the year.  43,259 pages at an average of  343 pages per book.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I finished reading:

“The New Jim Crow:  Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” written by Michelle Alexander.  261 pages.

The one hundred and twenty fifty book of the year.   43,033 pages at an average of 344 pages per book.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

I finished reading:

“The Army of the Potomac:  Glory Road” written by Bruce Catton.  337 pages.

The one hundred and twenty fourth book of the year.  42,772 pages at an average of  345 pages per book.


Friday, November 10, 2017

I finished reading:

“War” written by Sebastian Junger.  268 pages.

The one hundred and twenty third book of the year.  42,435 pages at an average of  345 pages per book.


Tuesday, November 07, 2017

I finished reading:

“Our Revolution” written by Bernie Sanders.  447 pages.

The One Hundred and twenty second book of the year.    42,167 pages at an average of  346 pages per book.


Wednesday, November 01, 2017

I finished reading:

“The Army of the Potomac: Mr. Lincoln’s Army” written by Bruce Catton.  332 pages.

The one hundred and twenty first book of the year.  41,720 pages at an average of  345 pages per book.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

I finished reading;

“Kolymsky Heights” written by Lionel Davidson.  436 pages.

The one hundred and twentieth book of the year.  41,388 pages at an average of  345 pages per book.


Sunday, October 22, 2017

End of read-a-thon final stats and meme:

Total Pages Read:  1233
Total Time Read: 12 Hours 47 Minutes
Total Books Finished:  5

 1. Which hour was most daunting for you? Always the last for me..1 am - 2 am my time
2. Tell us ALLLLL the books you read!  I finished Cauldron by Larry Bond and The Journal of Helene Berr both of which I had already started.  Completely read A Touch of Dead by Charlaine Harris, Oracle Night by Paul Auster and Blue Texas by Max Krochmal.  I also just started Kolymsky Heights by Lionel Davidson
3. Which books would you recommend to other Read-a-thoners?  Anything you enjoy.  We all have different preferences, so just choose whats best for you.
4. What’s a really rad thing we could do during the next Read-a-thon that would make you smile?  Keep doing it :)
5. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? Would you be interested in volunteering to help organize and prep - Definitely reading...looking forward to #21

I finished reading:

“Blue Texas:  The Making of  a Multiracial Democratic Coalation in the Civil Rights Era” written by Max Krochmal.  421 pages.

The one hundred and nineteenth book of the year.  40,952 pages at an average of 344 pages per book.

End of read-a-thon hour 19:

Pages read this hour: 77
Time read this hour:  52 mins
Books finished this hour: 0

Total Pages Read:  1215
Total Time Read:  12 hours 38 minutes
Total Books Read: 4

That’s about it!!!   I have 6 pages to go in the book I am reading and then bed time.

- Richard
End of read-a-thon hour 18:

Pages read this hour:  81
Time read this hour:  52 minutes
Books finished this hour: 0

Total Pages Read:  1138
Total Time Read:  11 hours 46 minutes
Total Books Finished: 4

End of Read-a-thon hour 17:

Pages read this hour:  56
Time read this hour: 39 minutes
Books finished this hour: 0

Total Pages Read:  1057
Total Time Read:  10 hours 54 minutes
Total Books Finished: 4


Saturday, October 21, 2017

End of Read-a-thon hour 16:


Pages read this hour:  60
Time read this hour:  45 minutes
Books finished this hour:  0

Total Read:  1001
Total Time Read:  10 hours 15 minutes
Total Books Finished:  4

End of read-a-thon hour 15:

Pages read this hour: 43
Time read this hour: 32 mins
Books finished this hour: 0

Total Pages Read:  941
Total Time Read:  9 hours 30 minutes
Total Books Finished:  4


End of Read-a-thon hour 14:

Pages read this hour:  73
Time read this hour:  57 minutes
Books finished this hour: 0

Total Pages Read:  898
Total Time Read:  8 hours 54 minutes
Total Books Finished:  4

End of read-a-thon hour 13:

Pages read this hour: 16
Time read this hour:  13 minutes
Books finished this hour:  0

Total Pages Read:  825
Total Time Read:  8 hours 1 minute
Total Books Finished: 4

End of Read-a-thon hour 12:

Pages read this hour:  66
Time read this hour:  44 minutes
Books finished this hour:  1

Total Pages Read:  808
Total Time Read:  7 hours 49 minutes
Total Books Finished:  4


I finished reading:

“Oracle Night” written by Paul Auster.  243 pages.

The one hundred and eighteenth book of the year.   40,531 pages at an average of 343 pages per book.

End of read-a-thon hour 11:

Pages read this hour:  94
Time read this hour:  51 minutes 
Books finished this hour: 0

Total Pages Read:  743
Total Time Read:  7 hours 5 minutes
Total Books Finished:  3

End of Read-a-thon hour 10:

Pages read this hour:  81
Time read this hour:  53 minutes
Books finished this hour: 0

Total Pages Read:  649
Total Time Read:  6 hours 14 minutes
Total Books Finished: 3

End of read-a-thon hour 9:

Pages read this hour: 11
Time read this hour:  7 minutes
Books finished this hour:  0

Total Pages Read:  568
Total Time Read:  5 hours 21 mins
Total Books Finished:  3

End of Read-a-thon hour 8:

Pages read this hour:  103
Time read this hour:  51 minutes
Books finished this hour: 1

Total Pages Read:  557
Total Time Read:  5 hours 14 minutes
Total Books Finished 3

I finished reading:

“A Touch of Dead” written by Charlaine Harris 192 pages.

The one hundred and seventeenth book of the year.  40,288 pages at an average of 344 pages per book.

- Richard
End of read-a-thon hour 7:

Pages read this hour:  69
Time read this hour:  38 mins
Books finished this hour: 0

Total Pages Read:  454
Total Time Read:  4 hours 23 minutes
Total Books Finished:  2

End of read-a-thon hour 6:

Pages read this hour:  48
Time read this hour:  29 minutes
Books finished this hour: 1

Total Pages Read:  383
Total Time Read:  3 hours 45 minutes
Total Books Finished: 2

I finished reading:

“The Journal of Helene Berr”  written by Helene Berr. 291 pages.

The one hundred and sixteenth book of the year.  40,096 pages at an average of  346 pages per book.

End of read-a-thon hour 5:
 Pages read this hour: 66
Time read this hour:  38 minutes
Books finished this hour:  0

Total Pages Read: 335
Total Time Read: 3 hours 16 minutes
Total Books Finished: 1


End of read-a-thon hour 4:

Pages read this hour:  90
Time read this hour:  45 minutes
Books finished this hour: 0

Total Pages Read:  269
Total Time Read:  2 hours 38 minutes
Total Books Finished: 1


End of read-a-thon hour 3:

Pages read this hour: 61
Time read this hour: 37 minutes
Books finished this hour: 0

Total Pages Read: 179
Total Time Read:  1 hour 53 minutes
Total Books Finished: 1

End of read-a-thon hour 2:

Pages read this hour: 59
Time read this hour: 38 minutes
Books finished this hour: 1

Total Pages Read:  118
Total Time Read:  1 hour 16 minutes
Total Books Finished:  1


I finished reading:

“Cauldron” written by Larry Bond.  722 pages.

The one hundred and fifteenth book of the year.  39,805 pages at an average of  346 pages per book.

- Richard
End of read-a-thon hour 1:

Pages read this hour: 59
Time read this hour:  38 minutes
Books finished this hour:  0

Total Pages Read:  59
Total Time Read:  38 minutes
Total Books Finished: 0

Start of the 24 hour read-a-thon and opening Meme:

This is the 20th Dewey's Read-a-thon that Jenn and I have participated in.  As always we're looking forward to it, but, I don't feel as motivated today as usual.   I am sure once I get started I will get going, but, I do not know that it will be a good fun day.

My page goal is to beat my average number of pages read over the previous read-a-thon's which is 1102.

 1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?  Just north of Houston, TX
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?  Probably finished The Journal of Helene Barr
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?  Whatever Jenn has made :)
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!  English, Lost in Texas!!
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?  We are going to stay home from lunch rather than go our for lunch as it loses too much time, even though we chose places to read it. 


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I finished reading:

“The Girl from Venice” written by Martin Cruz Smith. 305 pages.

The one hundred an fourteenth book of the year.  39,083 pages at an average of  343 pages per book.

I finished reading:

“The White Rabbitt:  A British Agents Adventures in France” written by Bruce Marshall.  268 pages.

The one hundred and thirteenth book of the year.  38,778 pages at an average of  343 pages per book.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

I finished reading:

“The Deadly Embrace:  Hitler, Stalin, and the Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939-1941” written by Anthony Read and David Fisher.  751 pages.

The one hundred and twelfth book of the year.  38,510 pages at an average of  344 pages per book.


Monday, October 09, 2017

I finished reading:

“WWIII Artic Front” written by Ian Slater.  342 pages.

The one hundred and eleventh book of the year.   37,859 pages at an average of 341 pages per book.


Sunday, October 08, 2017

I finished reading:

“Darwin, Marx, Wagner:  Critique of a Heritage” written by Jacques Barzun.  362 pages.

The one hundred and tenth book of the year.  37,517 pages at an average of  341 pages per book.


Wednesday, October 04, 2017

I finished reading:

“take this bread:  The spiritual memoir of a twenty-first century Christian” written by Sara Miles.  290 pages.

The one hundred and ninth book of the year.  37,155 pages at an average of  341 pages per book.


Sunday, October 01, 2017

I finished reading:

“The Jefferson Scandals A Rebutttal” written by Virginius Dabney.  134 pages.

The one hundred and eighth book of the year.  36,865 pages at an average of  341 pages per book.

- Richard
I finished reading

“To Sea in a Sieve” written by Peter Bill.  223 pages.

The one hundred and seventh book of the year.  36,731 pages at an average of  343 pages per book.


Friday, September 29, 2017

I finished reading:

“My Own Words” written by Ruth Bader Ginsburg with Mary Hartmett and Wendy W. Williams.  334 pages.

The one hundred and sixth book of the year.  36,508 pages at an average of  344 pages per book.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I finished reading:

“Love is the Higher Law” written by David Levithan.  163 pages.

The one hundred and fifth book of the year.  36,174 pages at an average of 345 pages per book.


Monday, September 25, 2017

I finished reading:

“A Vindication of the Rights of Woman” written by Mary Wollstonecraft.  328 pages.

The one hundred and fourth book of the year.  36,011 pages at an average of  346 pages per book.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

I finished reading:

“Virtual Light” written by William Gibson.  350 pages.

The one hundred and third book of the year.  35,683 pages at an average of  346 pages per book.


Sunday, September 17, 2017

I finished reading:

"Eager to Love:  The Alternative Way of Francis of Assisi" written by Richard Rohr.  268 pages.

The one hundred and second book of the year.  35,333 pages at an average of 346 pages per book.


Friday, September 15, 2017

I finished reading:

"One Nation Divisible:  Class, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States since 1938" written Richard Polenberg.  292 pages.

The one hundred and first book of the year.  35,065 pages at an average of 347 pages per book.


Monday, September 11, 2017

I finished reading:

"Peacemaker" written by Gordon Kent.  515 pages.

The one hundreth book of the year.  34,773 pages at an average of 348 pages per book.


Thursday, September 07, 2017

I finished reading:

"Man Enough:  How Jesus Redefines Manhood" written by Nate Pyle.  194 pages.  

The ninety ninth book of the year.  34,258 pages at an average of 246 pages per book.


Tuesday, September 05, 2017

I finished reading:

"Stamboul Train" written by Graham Greene.  221 pages.

The ninety eighth book of the year.  34,064 pages at an average of 348 pages per book.


Monday, September 04, 2017

I finished reading:

"The Mighty Eighth:  The Air War in Europe as Told by the Men Who Fought It" written by Gerald Astor.  505 pages.

The ninety seventh book of the year.  33,843 pages at an average of 349 pages per book.


Monday, August 28, 2017

End of Bout of Books:  

Pages read on Day 7:  259
Books finished on Day 7: 1

Total Pages Read: 1,881
Total Books Finished:  7

I did better than I thought I would have, but, due to Hurricane Harvey finished quite slowly.  Overall a fun week reading :)


Sunday, August 27, 2017

I finished reading:

"Dead Ever After" written by Charlaine Harris.  338 pages.

The ninety sixth book of the year.  33,338 pages at an average of 347 pages per book.

End of Bout of Books Day 6 (August 26th):

Pages read on Day 6:  219
Books Finished on Day 6: 1

Total Pages Read: 1,622
Total Books Finished:  6


Saturday, August 26, 2017

I finished reading:

"Born a Crime:  Stories from a South African Childhood" written by Trevor Noah.  285 pages.

The ninety fifth book of the year.  13,000 pages at an average of 347 pages per book.

End of Bout of Books Day 5 (August 25th):

Pages read on Day 5: 197
Books finished on Day 5: 1

Total Pages Read:  1,403
Total Books Finished: 5


Friday, August 25, 2017

End of Bout of Books Day 4 (August 24th):

Pages read Day 4:  386
Books finished on Day 4: 2

Total Pages Read:  1,206
Total Books Finished: 4

I finished reading:

"Red for Danger:  Disaster on the Line - a vivid and dramatic record of British railway accidents" written by L.T.C. Rolt.  216 pages.

The ninety fourth book of the year.  32,715 pages at an average of 348 pages per book.

I finished reading:

"Tremor" written by Craig Dirgo.  314 pages.
"The Diamond Smugglers" written by Ian Fleming.  153 pages.

The ninety second and ninety third books of the year.  32,499 pages at an average of 349 pages per book.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

End of Bout of Books Day 3 (August 23rd):

Pages read in Day 3:  132
Books finished on Day 3: 0

Total Pages Read: 820
Total Books Finished: 2


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

End of Bout of Books Day 2 (August 22nd):

Pages read on Day 2:  139
Books finished on Day 2:1

Total Pages Read:  688
Total Books Finished: 2


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I finished reading:

"Missionary Stew" written by Ross Thomas.  300 pages.

The ninety first book of the year.  32,032 pages at an average of 352 pages per book.

End of Bout of Books Day 1 (August 21st):

Pages read on Day 1:  549
Books Finished on Day 1: 1

Total Pages Read: 549
Total Books Finished: 1

 I started Born a Crime by Trevor Noah and Missionary Stew by Ross Thomas.  I finished Solo by Jack Higgins.


Monday, August 21, 2017

I finished reading:

"Solo" written by Jack Higgins.  275 pages.

The ninetieth book of the year.  31,732 pages at an average of 353 pages per book.


Sunday, August 20, 2017

I finished reading:

"Alamein and the Desert War:  A Dramatic Account of Victory in Africa by Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery and Others" edited by Derek Jewel.  207 pages.

The eighty ninth book of the year.  31,457 pages at an average of 353 pages per book.
