Sunday, March 04, 2007

The next one of my favourite places is Nebraska. This is where Jenn's grandfather is from, a little town in called Kennesaw. We went for a weeks vacation and took her Grandmother with us. A kinda pilgramage in many ways. For Jenn and Grandmother time to go back and visit family and places of so many memories. For me, a chance to see some of the family roots. We visited the old family home (left) as well as other places. I really liked Hastings and Lincoln. Nebraska is a pretty cool State. Miles upon miles of flat straight roads. I certainly got a sense of what Lewis and Clark must have felt on their treck West. We visited a museum just over the Iowa State line which showed what it must have been like for these early pioneers and also trying to get a concept of the distances involved. Here is a picture of Jenn (right)next to a schematic of the landscape, which also showed the miles all the way to San Fransisco, which is where we were living (well, in the Bay Area not the City itself) at the time, taken at that museum.


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