Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I needed a laugh today and I got it be reading this link on Essentially Lynn Forester de Rothschild a Clinton supported is now going to come out for McCain. Why did make me laugh? Because of the following statement:- “This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don't like him,” she said of Obama in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.If you don't like someone fine, but, someone with her wealth, who lives in London AND New York, who "only" contributed $100,000 to the campaign has the gall to call someone Elitist is absolutely staggering. Talk about being out of touch when the average person is stuggling to pay the bills, can't afford health care etc... McCain is welcome to her if that is her attitude.

I haven't totally 100% decided my vote in this election as I still need time to go through issue one by one, but, this lady has not helped McCain's cause at all in my mind...

For Obama's plan go here:- Obama's plan.
For McCain go here:- McCain's plan


1 comment:

Jarrett said...

Thought you might enjoy this...

I feel a lot like the author of this article about McCain these days. I actually voted for him in the 2000 primaries. Not this time though...