Sunday, October 25, 2009

Read-a-Thon End of Hour 17

Total Pages Read this Hour - 91
Total Pages Read - 1071
Time Read this Hour - 56 Minutes
Total Time Read - 11 Hours 29 Minutes
Books Finished - 4

I am now up to page 203 of Men and Men.

I am also in uncharted territory as this is now the latest I have gone for a read-a-thon. I am not sure how long I can keep going, but, we are about to take the dog for a walk to try and freshen up.



Belle Wong said...

Four books! You're doing a great job!

Leslie @ This is the Refrain said...

Woo you're doing an excellent job! Keep it up :D

Eva said...

We're in the final quarter! You've done great so far-see it through to the end! You can do it!

Liyana said...

Keep up the great work!

Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

You've done a great job! Keep it up and enjoy the rest of your reading. The end is near!