Monday, April 09, 2007

The next cats we fostered where nicknames the "tea" kittens. It had been a while before we had taken in new cats. Mainly this was because of taking care of Baby Boy was a full time occupation. These guys game into this week of July 19th 2005, just after Baby Boy died. In many ways it was healing experience after the loss of him, in being able to save some more guys. It was like a memorium to his life and what he taught us.

The first two were two little siamese guys: Assam (top left) and Ceylon (top right). Assam was the fist of the kittens to be adopted the week of August 9th 2005. However, a week later the family that adopted her called back and also wanted Ceylon as they decided that they did not want to seperate them. They are grown up and doing well in their home.

Typhoo (bottom left) was the next to go the week of September the 6th 2005, followed finally by Tetley (bottom right) who was adopted the week of Spetember 22nd 2005.

These little guys were a pleasure to foster and are all doing very well.


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