Saturday, June 28, 2008

So, I am about to start this 24 hour read-a-thon and after the end of a very stressful quarter at work it's probably perfect timing.

My plan is to essentially keep reading as I always do. I am very anal and read books in a set order as to when I get them. I don't look ahead so do not know whats coming up, but, also do not deviate (unless I am traveling when I do not take hard backs so go to the next paper back book on the list). I am interested in how much I will actually read, as I am quite a quick reader and average over 50 pages an hour. I will post when I finish reading a book.

I will be starting the the current book that I am reading, Park III of Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago which I have nearly finished. I am currently at page 472 out of 529.



Ana S. said...

Good luck, Richard!

Eva said...

Wow: the Gulag Archipelago. Are you reading an abridged version, or the whole huge thing? That's interesting you have a set order to read books: different from most of us book bloggers, I think. Can't wait to see your updates throughout the day!

Care said...

I'm cheering you on!

Richard said...

It is the full version. I have already completed Volume's I and II earlier. I love Russian History and Literature